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标题 内容 来源 更新时间
Manjaro - enjoy the simplicity Free fast and secure Linux based operating system for everyone, suitable replacement to Windows or MacOS with different Desktop Environments 前往 2024-02-08 17:24
Carnegie Mellon Computer Graphics The Carnegie Mellon Graphics Lab conducts cutting-edge research on computer graphics and computer vision. 前往 2024-05-07 21:18
ERCIM - the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics ERCIM - The European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics 前往 2024-04-07 18:02
USPS Business Customer Gateway The USPS Business Customer Gateway provides access to the entire suite of tools and services offered to the United States Postal Service's business customers of all sizes and types. 前往 2024-01-29 20:15
工控论坛|自动化论坛-工控网论坛 中华工控网工控论坛是中国工业自动化控制领域最专业、最活跃、最具人气的工程师交流社区,创建于2000年。这里聚集了自动化工程设计、科研开发、设备安装调试、现场维护等行业权威专家、自动化达人、工控专业人士、教师和学生,这里是工控人探讨最新工控技术、学习交流工控实践经验、分享心得感受的乐园,是工控学习者寻求疑难解答的最佳园地。主要技术论坛有:PLC,DCS,变频器,传动,电工,机电一体化,伺服,运动控制,机器人,组态软件,工控软件,HMI,人机界面,传感器,仪器仪表,机器视觉,现场总线,工业以太网,串口通信,无线通信,数传,电机,嵌入式,PC,Based,无线通信,绘图软件,设计软件,单片机,数控,自控设计等以及西门子,ABB,Rockwell,三菱,欧姆龙,安川,研祥等企业论坛。 前往 2024-02-22 01:31
LANDWELL 前往 2024-03-04 07:43
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