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控客智能家居、物联网+、API开放、解决方案、智能插座、WiFi模组 杭州控客信息技术有限公司是一家集自主研发智能硬件、提供全屋智能解决方案的高新技术企业,解决方案目前已在全国23个省、市、自治区落地。 前往 2024-06-02 00:35
ZKTeco| Home Page ZKTeco focus on Biometrics of fingerprint, face recognition, finger vein and iris recognition, provides products of time attendance, access control, Video Surveillance, entrance control, Smart Lock 前往 2024-06-04 07:09
云知声 | 开放平台 云知声智能科技股份有限公司,是专注于语音识别及语言处理技术的移动互联网公司,拥有完全自主知识产权的世界顶尖的语音识别和语义理解技术。 前往 2024-06-07 03:39
apc ups电源_apc不间断电源_apc电源报价_北京佳华电源科技有限公司 北京佳华电源科技有限责任公司(自然人独资) 是UPS不间断电源及免维护蓄电池,研发生产及销售经营企业,并与国内外厂商和系统集成公司保持了良好的合作伙伴关系,目前公司成为APCUPS电源产品的核心代理商。 为广大用户提供电力保护,的销售与技术服务团队,以卓越的产品,先进的技术和优良的服务赢得了用户的广泛赞誉。 前往 2024-06-08 00:40
Tuya Smart is a global IoT platform that enables smart home products to come to life for brands, OEMs, manufacturers, and retail chains. Providing a one-stop smart home solution covering Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, or GPRS Embedded Modules, secured cloud services, and custom app development. Also, forms a service closed-loop of AI + manufacturing. Allowing you to create your own smart home devices or purchase off their shelves. Tuya Smart products have covered 200+ countries and regions and taken the industry-leading position. Smart home lighting, smart home locks, power accessories, heating equipment, home appliances, and home securi 前往 2024-02-05 10:48
KeyLongest 前往 2024-02-10 19:18
IFA Berlin, 02. September bis 06. September 2022 - Startseite Die IFA ist die inspirierendste Messe für Consumer Electronics und Home Appliances. Sie findet vom 02. September bis 06. September 2022 in Berlin statt. 前往 2024-03-02 02:05
Gosund Smart Home Products,Smart Plug & Switch& Bulb Gosund is a leading smart home products company,Products cover smart plug,smart switch,smart bulb,smart power strip,smart led strip lights and many more smart devices.Cutting edge features and reasonable prices.Welcome to gosund to buy smart home products 前往 2024-03-08 23:53
Huawei Enterprise: Leading New ICT, The Road to Digital Transformation Huawei Enterprise provides a broad range of innovative ICT infrastructure products and solutions for vertical industry and enterprise customers worldwide. 前往 2024-03-10 11:45
KEDA Machinery KEDA CLEAN ENERGY CO., LTD. focuses on ceramic machinery, stone machinery, wall material machinery as core business, and develops seed businesses, including hydraulic pump, clean coal gasification technology and equipment, air pollution control technology 前往 2024-03-11 18:45
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