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Asia Pacific Interior Design Awards APIDA is organised by Hong Kong Interior Design Association (HKIDA) since 1992. It is the 27th year of APIDA to promote professional standards and ethics among interior design and also give high recognition to outstanding interior design projects and designers. 前往 2024-06-02 04:50
Digital Mobile Radio Association | Supporting over 15 Million users worldwide Welcome to the DMR Association; working worldwide, to make Digital Mobile Radio the most widely supported digital radio standard for the twenty first century business world. 前往 2024-02-11 05:52
四川省科学技术协会 欢迎您 四川省科学技术协会,四川科协,四川省科协,SICHUAN ASSOCIATION FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,四川省科学技术协会代表大会是四川省科学技术协会的领导机构 前往 2024-03-22 12:11
China Association for Science and Technology 前往 2024-03-22 12:19
中国表面工程协会 China Surface Engineering Association 中国表面工程协会 China Surface Engineering Association ┊ 前往 2024-03-29 09:11
中国社会学会网 中国社会学会是由从事社会学教学、理论研究的工作者和实际工作者自愿组成的全国性群众学术团体。宗旨是'紧密联系中国实际,积极开展社会学研究,发展社会学学术事业,为建设富强、民主、文明的社会主义现代化国家服务。'任务是:'组织协调会员分工协作,开展各种形式的学术活动;推动和协助各地区、部门开展社会调查研究,促进社会学事业的发展;普及社会学知识,提高我国社会学教学与研究的水平;出版社会学书刊,交流学术信息、资料;发展社会学队伍;代表中国社会学界组织和参加国内、国际学术研讨会或其他形式的学术交流活动。' 前往 2024-03-30 10:24
Nâga, récupération et redistribution d’ordinateurs sur Nantes Métropole Reprise de parcs informatiques, reconditionnement et ordinateurs d'occasion sous Linux sur Nantes Métropole. 前往 2024-04-12 22:25
CNLL Home Le CNLL, l’Union des entreprises du logiciel libre et du numérique ouvert, est l’organisation représentative en France des entreprises de la filière open source. Le CNLL regroupe les principales associations et grappes d'entreprises de l'Open Source en France 前往 2024-04-12 22:43
中国足球协会官方网站 中国足球协会官方网站 前往 2024-04-15 01:06
International Certified E-commerce Professionals Association - CEP International Certified E-commerce Professionals Association (CEP) is a Not-for-profit organization for E-commerce Professionals. CEP is the abbreviation of Certified E-commerce Professional, and also the alias of International Certified E-commerce Professionals Association, sometimes will be the title of who has the certificate given by this organization. Its services include the E-commerce project of standards, research, education, publication, networking opportunities in the Internet community, hosting conferences and training seminars, and providing accreditation for E-commerce Professionals. 前往 2024-05-03 19:23
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