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Asia Pacific Interior Design Awards APIDA is organised by Hong Kong Interior Design Association (HKIDA) since 1992. It is the 27th year of APIDA to promote professional standards and ethics among interior design and also give high recognition to outstanding interior design projects and designers. 前往 2024-01-24 17:54
HKIDA Hong Kong Interior Design Association (HKIDA) is a non-governmental and non-profit organisation founded in 1991. Throughout the years, our members have grown to include a vibrant community of interior designers, contractors, suppliers, students and other professional practitioners in the field of interior architecture. 香港室內設計協會於1991年成立,為香港一個非官方及非牟利機構。發展至今,我們見證了一眾在不同階段、竭誠以室內建築為專業的設計師、學生、承包商、供應商的蓬勃發展, 匯聚出類拔萃的設計社群。 我們致力針對業界、學界和社會大眾,拓展相關服務。除專注於研究及教育工作外,我們亦舉辦區內設計大賽,務求在更廣泛的社會層面上推廣室內設計。協會其中一項重要任務,就是透過制訂專業守則、推動創作革新、著重工藝技術,從而提升業界的專業水平,以及表揚傑出成就。香港室内设计协会于1991年成立,为香港一个非官方及非牟利机构。发展至今,我们见证了一众在不同阶段、竭诚以室内建筑为专业的设计师、学生、承包商、供应商的蓬勃发展, 汇聚出类拔萃的设计社群。我们致力 前往 2024-05-01 15:47
Asia Pacific Interior Design Awards APIDA is organised by Hong Kong Interior Design Association (HKIDA) since 1992. It is the 27th year of APIDA to promote professional standards and ethics among interior design and also give high recognition to outstanding interior design projects and designers. 前往 2024-05-04 07:35
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