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Koelnmesse | Koelnmesse Koelnmesse organizes and conducts more than 80 trade fairs, exhibitions and events in Cologne and in the world's most important markets. 前往 2024-06-02 00:34
Visit Barcelona Turisme de Barcelona Official 前往 2024-06-05 16:45
磁技术带来美妙变革 - MagnTek 麦歌恩 - 国产磁性传感器芯片 - 官网 - MagnTek 麦歌恩 - 磁性传感器芯片 - 运动检测与控制 Magnetic Tech Makes Magic Change 磁技术带来美妙变革麦歌恩是一家专注于以磁性感应技术为基础的芯片研发、生产和销售的半导体公司,服务于智能制造、智能交通、智能家居等多个领域。研发能力覆盖了磁敏元件和信号处理芯片。基于行业经验,公司的应用技术服务已拓展到磁体选型设计、磁场仿真、电机系统应用支持等。MagnTek是国内磁性传感器芯片细分领域的知名品牌。 前往 2024-04-11 01:13
Memorial Hall of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea Memorial Hall of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea 前往 2024-03-04 06:31
Acoustic movable partition wall system - China Egood operable partition,sliding folding partition China Egood movable partition wall also named operable partitions wall,sliding folding partition ,room dividers extensively used to divide meeting conference rooms,banquet hall,convention centre ,ballroom ect.,in hotel industry. 前往 2024-04-07 02:01
LEM – current transducer, voltage transducer, sensor, power measurement LEM - Experts for Electrical Measurement. Our task : the measurement and control of electrical parameters… 前往 2024-03-25 02:35
Forwardernet,Global Freight Forwarding Supply Chain Trading Platform,Marketing Platform Freight forwarding network is a professional online communication and advertising information promotion platform for practitioners in the freight forwarding industry, facing freight forwarders and shippers around the world, covering the national maritime transportation, air transportation, bulk cargo, trucking, warehousing and other sectors. Freight forwarding network is the metauniverse of freight forwarders. You can chat, make friends, inquire, quote, consult industry news and information, share industry views, and more importantly, you can sell advertisements here to let friends all over the world know you. 前往 2024-06-02 04:08
China Hall Sensor, Wiegand Sensor, Linear Hall Sensor, Flow Meter Sensor Manufacturer, Factory We are a manufacturer of Hall Sensors, Wiegand Sensors, Linear Hall Sensors, Flow Meter Sensors, Gear Sensors, Magnetic Switches, Latch Type Hall Sensors, Micro power omnipolar hall sensors in China, to build the number one brand in domestic magnetic sensors field. If you are interested in it, please call us at any time. 前往 2024-02-29 01:00
深圳市腾芯微科技有限公司_LED照明IC_LED屏显IC_单片机MCU 深圳市腾芯微科技有限公司网站,主营霍尔IC(hall ic); LED屏显IC; LED照明IC; 无线传输芯片及模块; 遥控及编解、码芯片; 蓝牙IC; wifi ic; 遥控车IC; 多士炉IC; 场效应管MOSFET; 高压MOS; 存储IC; 单片机MCU;。... 前往 2024-03-14 18:18
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