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Logistics and transport-Ningbo Guangchang Aetna Logistics and Transportation Company Limited Ningbo Guangchang Aetna Logistics and Transportation Company Limited, Ningbo Aetna Logistics Co., Ltd. is a professional general cargo, refrigerated cargo transportation, dangerous goods transportation, warehousing, distribution, vehicle rental sales-based third-party logistics companies. The company is Ningbo Zhenhai, Beilun, Yuyao, Cixi, Fenghua, Ninghai, Xiangshan sent to the transport of goods across the country. And Ningbo to Ningbo surrounding drayage logist.. 前往 2024-01-29 14:27
Zai Lab Limited Zai Lab Limited 前往 2024-02-27 02:46
Springchem New Material Technology Co.,Limited Springchem New Material Technology Co.,Limited 前往 2024-03-18 18:23
光伏支架_地脚螺栓_螺旋地桩_地钻地桩_网类制品_钰孚泰 Yufu Tai Amperex Technology Limited, Bohai new area, Cangzhou本公司主要生产五金系列产品,注册资金5000万人民币,拥有一流的管理人才,其中高级工程师35名,技工200余名,高级管理人员36人,工人300余人。具有雄厚的产品研发技术实力,生产设备90 余台,小型机加工设备180余台,厂房里配备了车床,铣床,刨床,磨床,各种切割机,数控剪板机,折弯机,压力机,锯床,钻床,大吨位冲床等相关设备,具有较强的机械加工能力。 科技铸就良金,细心制造未来,公司本着以质量求生存,以科技为发展的宗旨,热诚为国内外客户提供优质、快捷的服务。 前往 2024-03-28 08:31
DBS Bank | Hong Kong 星展集團是亞洲最大的金融服務集團之一,擁有超過280間分行,業務遍及18個市場。我們的總部設於新加坡,同時亦積極開拓大中華、東南亞和南亞地區業務。星展香港擁有34間分行和超過4,000名員工,提供包括零售銀行、中小企業及大型企業銀行的全面金融服務。我們誠意邀請您成為我們邁向新亞洲首選銀行旅程的一部分。 前往 2024-03-29 01:32
LED tactile switches, Pushbutton switches Supplier - Honyone Electrical Co., Limited 20-Year switch manufacturer holding 20 patents Honyone Electrical Co., Limited from China (mainland) Established Exporter since 1998 前往 2024-04-13 12:40
Xing Yang Intelligent Energy Limited Xing Yang Intelligent Energy Limited 前往 2024-04-14 23:16
HTM Associates Limited • HTM adheres to the heart of serving customers, injects professional technology, implements effective management, and integrates corporate culture into design concept. • HTMFounded in 2009, we are committed to providing efficient, practical, comfortable and exciting design and project management for our customers. The project scope includes corporate headquarters, indoor office, exhibition hall, consulate, etc. • HTMExperienced and professional team will provide customers with complete planning, we will maximize and meet the needs of customers. • HTMGrowth comes from providing customers with satisfactory service. We are proud to 前往 2024-05-07 14:00
Home The Multi Commodity Exchange of India Limited (MCX), India’s first listed exchange, is a state-of-the-art, commodity derivatives exchange that facilitates online trading of commodity derivatives transactions, thereby providing a platform for price discovery and risk management. The Exchange, which started operations in November 2003, operates under the regulatory framework of Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). 前往 2024-01-28 15:13
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