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F3 Asian Championship Certified by FIA Organized by Top Speed Shanghai Ltd., Formula Masters Series (FMS) is the region’s premier international junior single-seater series. 前往 2024-05-02 12:10
International Certified E-commerce Professionals Association - CEP International Certified E-commerce Professionals Association (CEP) is a Not-for-profit organization for E-commerce Professionals. CEP is the abbreviation of Certified E-commerce Professional, and also the alias of International Certified E-commerce Professionals Association, sometimes will be the title of who has the certificate given by this organization. Its services include the E-commerce project of standards, research, education, publication, networking opportunities in the Internet community, hosting conferences and training seminars, and providing accreditation for E-commerce Professionals. 前往 2024-05-03 19:23
CEP跨境电商专家会 跨境电商专家会(CEP)是一个面向跨境电商专业人员的组织。CEP 是 Certified E-commerce Professional(认证电商专家)的英文缩写,也是跨境电商专家会的别名,同时也可以代表拥有该组织颁发证书的专家头衔称谓。 其服务包括电商标准的制定,课题研究,教育培训,出版内容,提供互联网社区人脉资源,主办会议和培训班研讨会,以及为电商专业人员提供能力认证。 前往 2024-06-01 21:11
Banking - Integrated Output & Document Management Solutions Formpipe's integrated output and document management solutions enhances raw banking data, allowing your bank to create exceptional documentation. 前往 2024-06-02 08:32
Home | ACCA Global ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) is the global body for professional accountants. 前往 2024-05-04 01:02
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