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上海脉铂医药科技有限公司 挖掘 搜索
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[官网]MedBio|抑制剂/调节剂/激动剂/中间体/杂质标准品/植物提取物/IVD诊断原料|上海脉铂医药科技有限公司|30000+品种|15000+现货库存,品质优选,全场免邮 MedBio为上海脉铂医药科技有限公司旗下知名品牌,为生物医药的科研人员提供 30,000+ 特异性抑制剂、激动剂、调节剂、中间体、植物提取物等生物活性分子化合物,产品成本可控,品质优选,全场国内免邮,无运费焦虑。注册即送1000积分,还有大量新人现金抵用券无门槛抵扣。本网站为脉铂医药的唯一官网,您可以放心在线注册和下单。 前往 2024-02-27 13:39
ChemBest | APIs & Intermediates | Building Blocks |Small Molecule Inhibitors |Research Chemicals ChemBest |Your Strategic API Supplier| Research Chemicals| Building Blocks | Create High Value-Added APIs&Intermediates | Custom Synthesis 前往 2024-03-18 18:31
Selleckchem.com - Bioactive Compounds Expert (Bioactive Compounds,Compound Libraries) Selleck provides signaling inhibitors, modulators and compound libraries with terrific validation, customer reviews, product citations, tech support and prompt delivery. 前往 2024-03-11 22:09
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